Season 1


Sylvan Lake Cast

As a superfan of Survivor, I have always wanted to get on the show (lord knows how many more times I will audition), and I have realized as big as that dream is, I can still fulfill that to an extent in my own personal life. Deciding to host a Survivor competition for charity allowed me to help fulfill a different perspective to my dream, and also allowed other fans to fufill a part of theirs, all for the greatest cause of all, helping something bigger than ourself.
— Brandon Nelson, Founder & Host

On June 26, the Nelson residence on Sylvan Lake in Rogers was the location for “Survivor: Sylvan Lake,” in which contestants weren’t competing for $1 million, but rather instead a hefty sum of money to give to a charity of their choice.
— Jared Hines, "Local game of Survivor raises money for charities." Star News, July 2016


This season, contestants donated funds to the following charities:

1st Place- $1,792 - Andy Aschenbrenner, Gillette Children’s Hospital
2nd Place- $384 - Ashley Trainer Arcaro,  Animal House Jamaica
3rd Place- $256 - Jackie Dupre, Friends of Animal Adoption Inc.
4th Place- $128 - Jenna Legatt, Children's Cancer Research Fund of Minnesota
5th-16th place- $150 - by group vote, Minnesota Coalition for Battered Women